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Application Note

Solvent recovery after chromatography

February 2022

Solvent recovery after chromatography
  • Hei-VAP
  • Hei-VOLUME
  • Automation
  • Chemistry
  • Evaporation
  • Recycling

Substance separations for customers in the pharmaceutical, biochemistry and agrochemicals sectors are carried out in contract laboratories for chromatography. After the separation process, the chromatographic fractions are present at very high dilution. With the help of large-scale rotary evaporators, the solvent mixture is separated from the synthetic intermediates and active ingredients contained therein.

A French contract laboratory * for enantioselective chromatography processes the large amounts of elution with several Distimatic Industrial Platinum 8 packages. The solvents processed include acetonitrile, heptane, methanol, ethanol, propanol, and acetone. The throughput per system is 22 - 33 l / day, 5 days a week in day and night operation.

Distimatic Industrial Platinum 8 package

  • High performance glassware set for highest throughput

  • High resistance and FDA conformity of all media-contacting materials allow the processing of a wide range of media

  • Safe and unattended — work efficiently around the clock


To show you the wide variety of possible applications for the Hei-VOLUME Distimatic automatic modules, we have put together the most exciting applications of our customers for you in a booklet. Enjoy discovering the possibilities!

Heidolph Author: Heidolph

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