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Application Note

Operation of an apparatus for PFGE

February 2022

Operation of an apparatus for PFGE
  • Hei-FLOW
  • Bioanalytics
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • LifeScience
  • Molecular biology
  • Pharmacy
  • Transportation

The so-called "pulsed-field" gel electrophoresis is a special type of gel electrophoresis that enables DNA macromolecules to be separated. This is achieved due to the fact that the anode and cathode change at certain intervals. The separation of DNA molecules depends on various factors: Voltage, how quickly anode and cathode change, running time, buffer concentration and temperature. Due to the long running time and the sometimes high voltages, a constant and low temperature is essential for the success of the method.

To do this, the cooled buffer solution is continuously pumped through the apparatus using a peristaltic pump. It is important to assemble the right system of pump, hose and pump head in order to cope with the long running times and low temperatures.

For this purpose, at the Department of Biochemistry at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg a Hei-FLOW Core 120 with SP Quick pump head and PharMed® tubing is used. The use of the PharMed® tubing enables a significantly longer operation before the need to change the tubing than the previously used silicone tubing.

Also read our Whitepaper or more information on this topic!

Hei-FLOW Core 120 with SP Quick pump head

  • Convey buffer solutions continuously and without contact

  • Easy hose change through the pump head with lever mechanism

  • Possibility of continuous operation even with long electrophoresis protocols

PharMed® tubing

  • Particularly resistant and durable

  • Autoclavable

  • Resistant to buffer solutions

Used Products

Hei-FLOW Core 120

Hei-FLOW Core 120

For standard applications and liquid transfer
SP quick (wt 1.6 mm)

SP quick (wt 1.6 mm)

For tubes with a 1.6-mm wall thickness
PharMed® - wt: 1.6 | id: 0.8 | od: 4 (per meter)

PharMed® - wt: 1.6 | id: 0.8 | od: 4 (per meter)

Ideal for medical, lab and research uses