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Greater sustainability through the recycling of cleaning fluid in the automotive industry

February 2022

Greater sustainability through the recycling of cleaning fluid in the automotive industry
  • Hei-VAP
  • Hei-VOLUME
  • Automation
  • Automotive industry
  • Chemistry
  • Evaporation
  • Recycling

Before measuring and testing test engines and prototypes in automotive manufacturing, the workpieces are cleaned. This cleaning process produces several liters of contaminated cleaning fluid every day. Recycling these fluids for reuse not only pays off in terms of production sustainability, but also leads to long-term cost savings.

To recycle the cleaning fluid, one German car manufacturer* uses the Distimatic Platinum 5 Package. The automatic module allows any quantity of the cleaning fluid, however large, to be distilled with minimal effort.

In the car manufacturer’s plant, batches of 30 liters each are distilled in this way at a very high evaporation rate, with only a 2% loss of cleaning agent for every 10 liters. The Hei-VOLUME Distimatic is operated in TIME MODE to ensure low losses and the fastest possible distillation at the same time. Once the process is complete, the recycled cleaning liquid is left in the collecting vessel, with the dirt particles remaining in the evaporation flask in the form of residues.

* Anonymized on customer request


Distimatic Industrial Platinum 5 Package:

  • Glassware with expansion vessel for processing foaming mixtures
  • Work in the time-controlled mode of the Hei-VOLUME Distimatic automatic module with maximum performance
  • Process large volumes safely and unattended – even overnight


To show you the wide variety of possible applications for the Hei-VOLUME Distimatic automatic modules, we have put together the most exciting applications of our customers for you in a booklet. Enjoy discovering the possibilities!

Heidolph Author: Heidolph

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