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Application Note

Isolation of synthetic intermediates and end products

February 2022

Isolation of synthetic intermediates and end products
  • Hei-VAP
  • Chemistry
  • Evaporation
  • Synthesis chemistry

In the production of specialty chemicals, the separation of the end product or a synthetic intermediate from the solvent used is a key step. The construction of substances are produced in a very high dilution, so the use of a large-scale rotary evaporator is inevitable when working on a production scale. Raw products are often further purified, for example by crystallization or chromatography.

A manufacturer of specialty chemicals * from Baden-Württemberg is using a Hei-VAP Industrial - Performance Plus Package to efficiently process the large quantities.

Hei-VAP Industrial - Performance Plus Package

  • High-performance glassware set for efficient operation with highest evaporation rates

  • Work unattended at production scale thanks to the AutoAccurate function, which automatically checks the system pressure

  • For large batches, use the refill valve to fill the evaporation flask through the system vacuum without having to stop the process or remove the flask