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Extraction of active ingredients from plants

February 2022

Extraction of active ingredients from plants
  • Hei-VAP
  • Basic research
  • Chemistry
  • Evaporation
  • Extraction

To extract the ingredients from plant material, this is often mixed with a suitable solvent and this mixture is brought to the boil. Over time, the soluble components from the solid material migrate into the solvent and accumulate in it. This step can also be performed with a rotary evaporator with a backflow valve. In addition to the gentle processing under vacuum, this has the advantage that after extraction, the valve can be easily opened and the distillate can be separated.

A university in southern China* uses a Hei-VAP Industrial - All - round package for plant extraction. After the distillation step, the ingredients are further separated using liquid chromatography.

Hei-VAP Industrial - All-round package

  • Glassware with a backflow valve allows extraction with subsequent distillation

  • Gently extract plant ingredients under vacuum

  • Includes complete peripherals such as vacuum pump and recirculation chiller