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Application Note

Isolation of synthetic intermediates and active agents in the GMP-regulated area

February 2022

Isolation of synthetic intermediates and active agents in the GMP-regulated area
  • Hei-VAP
  • Chemistry
  • Evaporation
  • Isolation
  • Pharmacy
  • Synthesis chemistry

In the synthesis of active agents, isolation of the active agent itself or one of its synthetic precursors from a solvent is a central step. Large-scale evaporators are frequently used in the production of quantities on a kilo scale, for example, for preclinical or clinical studies. In the pharmaceutical sector, a particular challenge is meeting the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) requirements that a device used must meet.

A South German contract laboratory* for the production and analysis of pharmaceutical active agents according to GMP and fine chemicals on a kg scale uses the Hei-VAP Industrial - Performance Plus Package. All parts of the system that come into contact with media are made of FDA compliant materials.

Hei-VAP Industrial - Performance Plus Package

  • The riser tube of the high-performance glassware functions as a foam brake

  • Isolate large, unsupervised batches thanks to the Autoaccurate, function that tracks the system pressure automatically

  • Work GMP compliant: all parts that come into contact with media are made of FDA compliant materials, and data logging function