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Concentration of dairy permeate for lactose crystallization

April 2021

Concentration of dairy permeate for lactose crystallization
  • Hei-VAP
  • Hei-VOLUME
  • Distimatic
  • Lebensmittelindustrie
  • Verdampfen

In the extraction process of lactose as a starting material for many processes in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, the milk permeate obtained from whey is often concentrated using a large scale rotary evaporator.
When working with conventional rotary evaporators, undesired pre-crystallization often occurs due to the large volumes fed to the process at one time and the fluctuating process conditions.

Read in this whitepaper how we were able to create the optimal conditions through process automation to prevent pre-crystallization while maintaining a performant process flow.

Heidolph Autor: Heidolph

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