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Optimal system configuration for PFGE

December 2020

Optimal system configuration for PFGE
  • Bioanalytik
  • Pumpen

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a special gel electrophoresis type for the separation of DNA macromolecules. Due to the long runtimes and the sometimes high voltages, a constant and low buffer temperature is crucial for the success of the method. These low temperatures and long runtimes present a special challenge for the tubes used for the transport of the buffer solution.

In this whitepaper we evaluated the optimal peristaltic pump configuration for PFGE setups.

Heidolph Autor: Heidolph

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Hei-FLOW Core 120 Multi

Hei-FLOW Core 120 Multi

Für Standardanwendungen und zum Fördern
SP quick (SWS 1.6 mm)

SP quick (SWS 1.6 mm)

Für Schlauchwandstärke 1,6 mm